Common Misconceptions About Oral and Dental Health
27 August 2024What are Dental Veneers?
Dental veneers are a possible solution to help you achieve the look you desire. They are a preferred choice for those with gaps or deformities among these treatments.
Dental veneers are thin coatings that are bonded to teeth to give them a more classic look. Durupol dentists offer a variety of dental veneer options to choose from. Talk to us about what would be the best solution for your teeth.
Dental Veneers
If you want to improve your smile, dental veneers are an easy-to-use option. Veneers are thin coatings that are placed on the front (visible) part of the tooth. They are preferred because they look like natural teeth. Veneers can be used to correct a variety of dental problems, as seen below;
• Teeth that are stained and cannot be whitened due to yellowing
• Chipped or worn teeth
• Crooked or misshapen teeth
• Teeth that are irregular and unsightly and undesirable
Veneers are made of porcelain or resin material, which is a combination of materials. Your dentist will help you choose the most suitable material for you. There are different types of veneers that have their own advantages.
Porcelain veneers
A porcelain veneer is a thin shell that is custom-made to fit the tooth.
Benefits of porcelain veneers:
• They are strong and long-lasting
• They have a natural-looking surface
• Less tooth enamel needs to be removed than a fixed denture or cap
• They do not stain easily
Steps for placing porcelain veneers:
• To prepare the teeth, your dentist usually removes a small amount of enamel from the necessary areas of the teeth. This makes room for the veneers so that your teeth look natural.
• Your dentist takes an impression or mold of the prepared teeth and presents it to you.
• Your dentist also decides on the color of the veneer that is best for your smile and appearance.
• The impression is sent to a dental laboratory that custom-makes porcelain veneers to fit your teeth. This process can take a few days. Your dentist will give you temporary veneers to wear in the meantime.
• At your next check-up, your dentist will place the veneers on your teeth to check their appearance and fit.
• After a regular adjustment, the teeth are cleaned and the veneers are bonded to the teeth.
• Further changes can be made at a later appointment if necessary.
Before you get veneers
• Your teeth and gums should be healthy before you get veneers.
• Your dentist can check and treat any disease or decay before your veneers are placed.
• Veneers are not recommended for people who clench or grind their teeth because the thin veneers can crack or break.
• If you clench or grind your teeth, your dentist may recommend that you wear a plastic mouth guard while you sleep.
• Although your dentist removes as little of your tooth enamel as possible for veneers, the process cannot be reversed once the enamel has been removed.
• It is possible for veneers to loosen over time.
If this is the case, you may need new ones.
• As with all your dental care, discuss all your expectations and treatment options with your dentist.
• Regular dental visits are essential to keeping your teeth and gums healthy.